ESI celebrates another achievement: we have obtained the Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification, under the NP ISO 45001: 2019 standard, from SGS. We also renewed our Quality and Environmental Management System certifications, ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015, respectively.
In December 2022 we had a renewal audit of the certifications already obtained and a design audit of the safety certification, both of which were successfully completed.

Achieving this goal is more than a source of pride, it is a recognition of our efforts to offer the best working conditions, combined with the provision of quality services.
Employee health and safety is one of ESI's top priorities. We are committed to protecting our employees, clients and processes. We work daily to provide a safe and efficient working environment where employees are invited to participate. The implementation of NP ISO 45001: 2019 is evidence of our commitment to putting health and safety first.
With the renewal of the Quality Management System certification, we reinforce our commitment to increasing customer satisfaction by meeting their needs and expectations. We are committed to continuously improving the services we provide to improve the organization's overall performance.
As for the 14001:2015 standard, its renewal demonstrates our concern for the environment and our dedication to being a sustainable and socially responsible company. We are aware of our role and work to minimize negative impacts on the environment, acting to prevent pollution and the rational use of resources.
We are now certified in 3 standards (ISO 9001:2015 - quality; ISO 14001: 2015 - environment; ISO 45001:2019 - safety)! This is an essential step in our growth and is also a representation of our dedication to our employees, customers, and partners.