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Robotic Paper Bag Packing

Robotics and Machine Vision: A Successful Duo


The Robotic Packaging Cell manipulates paper bags and inserts them into cardboard boxes. This cell integrates artificial vision and an OK/NOK quality control system, which allows the defect inspection of the bags to be carried out completely automatically.

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litel 4
litel 5
litel 6
litel 3
litel 2
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Pick and Place Manipulation of Paper Bags  

The robot collects the paper bags from the bag-making machine and starts filling the boxes. When the box is complete, it is sent to the central conveyor.

Pick and Place
Automatic Defects Inspection Machine Vision and Quality Control  

The machine vision system that is part of the robotic cell detects defects in the folds and the two handles of each paper bag. This makes it possible to automatically manage the entire bag-packing process, ensuring its quality.


ESI Robotics has installed a rejection system that automatically rejects the bag when it receives a message from the vision that the product is not in conformity.



Automatic Defects Inspection